The story of the Summoner Master took place on the continent called “Merrisia”. Merrisia consists of four kingdoms. Each kingdom represents each of the elements: Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Events that take place in the scenario can be compared to events in the real world. Each Kingdom also has its own unique and outstanding strengths among each other.

The earth Kingdom: Kingdom of Nature . The people who live here love nature and the environment. They live in the forest and have become one with Mother Nature. This can be compared to the earth, the origin of plants and nature.

The Water Kingdom : Wealthy Kingdom. The people who live here have gained a lot of wealth from trading with other countries. They think that money is everything and all things can be bought with money, even heaven can be created on earth with money. This can be compared to the water which gives life. Life cannot exist without water.

The Wind Kingdom : Brave heart Kingdom. The people who live here are brave warriors who are high in their pride and dignity. This can be compared to the wind that blows high over every life on earth.

The Fire Kingdom : Desert Kingdom . The people who live here live their life in poverty, misery, and strife. Struggling in order to survive day to day. This can be compared to the fire that burns everything in order to keep it burning.

he story begins with the invasion from the Fire Kingdom , declaring war against the Earth and Wind Kingdoms . The people of the Fire Kingdom wanted to get away from their poverty and misery, and they got envious of the other kingdoms that were full of natural resources. Each kingdom then has to fight for their own survival and the war begun. This story presents many interesting strengths and ideas of each kingdom, with explanations for each of the strengths.


  “My life is like a glowing flame, today it's look bright but one day it would be extinguished. Isn't it reasonable for me then to seek for happiness as much as I can while I live?”

“My mind has never been at ease. There is a flame inside my heart that ready to burn anything coming approach, even I can't cease that flame inside my heart.”

The Fire Kingdom is viewed as the enemy in the story since it was the kingdom that started the war. In fact, the reason for the war was the poverty and misery of life the people of the Fire Kingdom had to face. They did all these things in order to try to survive. Comparing this to the real world, one doing such a vicious thing may be viewed as a villain in the eyes of other people, even when there are reasons behind it. Even the people in Fire Kingdom that did all these things for their own sake are like the fire that burns everything. Yet, there still exists the young Fire Prince who having a merciful heart and who is like the sun, burning itself out to give life to others.

The Wind Kingdom as viewed as a good kingdom in the story. However, the people there, especially the brave warriors, emphasize too much on their dignity and pride. Many times forgetting their true feelings and what they really need. There is one princess in this kingdom, which loves freedom and represents the free wind that can go to any place based upon will. Sometimes our true feelings may be hidden by dignity and pride.
  “The wind blows over the earth, over the ocean and over the flame. The higher the wind, the stronger the wind blows. The dignity of Felasia is the dignity of the wind.”


The Water Kingdom is viewed as the wealthy kingdom. The people there being rich and wealthy but many of them selfish and thinking only of themselves. The princess of this kingdom is different from others as she is caring and merciful to everyone else while ignoring her own status as a princess. True peace can happen only when everyone is caring and helping each other.

  “Water becomes ice through frigidity. If frigidity is able to make liquid water to be solid strong ice, that frigidity can also make man stronger.”

“The nature of water is flowing from higher to lower and gives life, that's what Annedisonge should be.”

The Earth Kingdom is viewed as a kingdom of harmony, the people there being able to live alongside nature in peace. Living with nature makes our minds calm and peaceful. In this way the people can live peacefully and harmoniously with nature without destroying the forest or the environment surrounding them.

  “We are staying still not because we are foolish, we are enduring to everything not because we are coward, the strongest force comes from endurance and protection.”

“When you touch the earth, you can feel the warmth that wrapping you. When you smell flower's aroma, you can feel the good wish that mother nature giving to you.”

The most important point in this story of the Summoner Master is “The effects of war to the kingdoms”

No one can gain any lasting benefits from war. War brings misery, sadness, separation and so on. Many people in the story lost many precious things because of war. This is what the Summoner Master tries to present to help the people understand about the effects of war. If the people in each of the kingdoms think only of their own kingdom's benefits, the war might never end. If the people care about each other and bring good things from out of their own kingdoms to help, the war can end soon and everyone can live peacefully with one another.

The story also emphasizes nature and the environment around them. Nature gives life to us and if we become friends with nature, nature will also give us benefits for our life, such as fresh air, medicine, food, clothes and home. Destroying nature means destroying your own life and your children's life for the future.


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